Tuesday, 26 March 2019

If wishes were horses...

Hey, hey, hey my day ones as the millennials love to call it, yes you are those because you are here right now. I mean you could have been somewhere else but you chose to drop by, I appreciate it. I appreciate you and oh may you bring a friend next time with you hey, the more the merrier #mwaa… In the very same spirit, I would like to let you know that since the beginning of March I have been posting twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays, but because I have a full time job and other projects going on at the moment and this has been making my posting schedule a bit unpredictable, I still we be posting twice a week but not on fixed days. Just expect to come here twice a week because I got you hey, and if you follow me on Instagram, I always notify if there is a new post (IG @chriss-in-it-19). I will definitely notify you when we have a fixed posting schedule. You are the real deal, and lots of appreciation and love.

Another thing when you look at my home interface i hinted that we will be talking motivation, reading and writing, as well as lifestyle, and therefore this involves what you have seen here already “motivation and inspiration, as well reads and some writing snippets”, the lifestyle part will be involving a little bit of everything I might deem interesting and necessary to our growth as people searching for growth yeah? Yeah!!!

So today I just thought we need not have serious conversations and all that serious business, we just get to talk about finding ourselves and explore more on life in general, things we want to do or out of life, where we could have been or want to be in life in general, given a second chance to live another life or start over. So we have a game here which you can play sometime and you could discover about yourself things you never thought of or confronted. I didn’t go all the way to ask deep questions or anything but just a few to flex the mind. You will have to go through these questions on your spare time and find out things you have never really given a chance to think about, you can add many more questions, I mean reason why we have Mr Google.  Let’s call the game “The Provoker”… Game on…

Q. How many promises have you made and how many of them have you fulfilled?
Me: Honestly speaking I am not a fan of making promises because I have made some and broken them before, I don’t know how many they were, but hearts were broken and people we taken advantage of knowingly and unknowingly. I now do not promise at all, I just go with the flow. The few times I promise, if at all, be rest assured you have my word, I have broken enough promises I don’t make any anymore. Promises lol, just like rules they are broken and people are hurt, I advise you not to make any promise especially when you know you are human. Why do people make promises again? Please tell me why?

 Q. If You Were Given Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For?
Me: If wishes were horses, man I could ride them all. Is there any room to mention the first five hundred of my wishes into the first wish?, Yes? No? Oh ok I only have three, just 1,2,3…
1.I wish the world was not such an evil place, I wish people would understand that there is room for us all to fly high and reach the sky, its big enough for all of us to fly and flourish , no need to backstab each other.
2. I wish we didn’t have to die at all, I don’t know how the Creator could have managed to store all of us alive, I mean do we really have to go through so much pain, seeing people die and knowing they would never wake up again. I know it wouldn’t make sense, but yeah why not, it’s my second wish, I wish it so.
3. I wish 1&2 could come true.

Q. Given another life what occupation would you best practice or come back practising?
Me: My oh my, even in this very life I still live, I’m so going to be a lawyer. The adrenaline I feel when I watch “How to get away with murder”, is amazing. Or maybe after all I just love Viola Davis’acting skills, which might mean I am confusing myself, maybe it’s the acting I would like to pursue, I don’t know, #laughs, but honestly I have always found  that profession so interesting, so I would be back as a lawyer.  Another possibility could be a teacher, I have this special teaching ability, I don’t understand how I attained it or where it came from but I have an amazing patience game, I don’t understand, the only thing is I hate it when people test my powers and learners definitely do that whole shenanigan of tasting tour powers, so I will keep Law .

Q. What If You Had To Change Your Name, What Would Your New Name Be, And Why Would You Choose That Name?
Me: When I was younger I hated my middle name, It’s a vernacular name which when translated to English means something negative “Despise us or Regard us as your inferior, or something like that”, I mean grandparents though, what’s with the ugly names and all? (It’s my grandma that gave me that name for some reason known to her). Guys, it’s just not funny, who gives a little innocent, beautiful and delicate baby girl such an ugly name (or maybe I just was really ugly and that went well with the name #laughs. Jokes aside though I was not really cute, you know those chubby, dark ugly babies you just say oh it’s a girl when you see it? Yes that was me, you couldn’t say “aaaw the cutest baby ever”, because you would be too conscious that you would be lying but I mean hmm, not fair).

So the thing is I didn’t have problems with my first name, though it’s a really old name most Christines are in their late 40s or 50s, I like it like that, but I always thought if I had a chance to change my middle name, I would choose the name Natalie, because for some reason I found it so cute, and I thought most Natalies I met were calm and collected and here I was very loud and very loud, #blame the ugly middle name… I have grown though, and just made peace with the middle name, it’s part of my identity and I won’t change it especially now it’s on all of my life certificates, thank you very much grandma for the ugly middle name.

Q. Are you proud of what you're doing or what you've done?
Me: Definitely, I am so proud of the woman I have become and the few accomplishes I have had in my short life. I am nowhere half-way to the place I want to be, the job I want to have and do the rest of my life, but I am getting there. I can’t sit here look all pretty and say I am proud of my current job, but it pays the bills, and is preparing me reach to the level I want to pursue exactly what I want to do for a living.  In my relationships, I have come and fought and conquered. In school, we still going forward and I am so proud of myself with what I have done and doing at the moment, because we are being black and educated, man!

And professionally wise, it’s the wrong approach to stay in a job you don’t like, I know yeah, it’s not right at all, so the way forward is to leave it and do whatever you want to do, but living in Africa specifically Zimbabwe at the moment eheheheheh let me laugh in my mother tongue, its stones and sticks, it’s an uphill climb. Regardless we are fighting on and creating opportunities for us with those dry bones. So I would say, I am proud of my life as a whole, and I am definitely working towards to being very proud in the professional world, just stay tuned and watch this space!

So for today we have played enough, you might ask why five questions, to be honest, these are the five questions I have thought about so far and thought you would also reflect on, looking at your life, and not in a serious way, life shouldn’t be all cement and grey walls all the time, just flex and have a fun reflection time upon your life. Take it easy and it’s always one day at a time, you getting there, trust me, you will look back and smile… Enjoy the rest of the week, you deserve it!!!

#reflections #lifelessons #conquer2019

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Why do i do things i don't like?

Why do I do things I don’t like?

This is a question I have recently asked myself, because like I have mentioned before, I am constantly seeking for light even as I try to be one in someone’s life out there. I don’t have everything figured out, I struggle with imperfections, with shortcomings, failure sometimes, impatience, loss of self-confidence, because I am human and I am working towards improving myself every day, it’s not an event, it’s a process.  And as much as this platform is a platform that helps remind somebody that they are worthy , beautiful and can be the best version of themselves, it is also my ground for growth and self-expression, hoping that somebody out there may learn a thing or two about themselves as I constantly am doing this year, come let’s grow together.

From the title of today’s post, you can tell this is a question directed to me as much as it is to you too. Why do you keep doing things you don’t like? Let’s dive into it.
Answer: …Because you have to. But it doesn’t necessarily have to stay that way..

I was just thinking, “Hm Christine on all the things you do every time, every morning, every day of your life for the past two to five years, how much of it is really of your making? How much of it would you solely accept that you started doing simply because you love or like doing?” I looked at my daily routine and my habits, and I figured that most of the things I do, are not of my own making, simply because of my society, my place in the community I come from, part of my African culture, part of it being work culture and simply influence from Social Media, and partly from the books I read, and oh my financial status, yes, there is no way we can separate this from the ways we live our lives. I mean money is money people, really, the elephant in the room., agreed?, Ok let’s go.

Where am I going with this? I simply am saying there are things in life that we do and we don’t like doing them, I mean we don’t have a choice do we, they just have to be done for life to move? Of course I can’t be waking up and call house helps to bring me breakfast in bed, whilst I prepare to go on my treadmill to exercise a bit before starting my luxurious day, with my cook currently  revising the month’s menu for me the Madame of course. I can’t do these things, why, you ask? Because I can’t afford it, just yet (and of course even if I reach a point where I can afford it, it’s not in my nature to boss people around, I mean I like the sound of it, but I just can’t, so don’t worry, I won’t greet you with a stick, like we say from where I come from [which simply refers to someone’s pompousness and pride after acquiring riches], when I become wealthy, #laughs).But until then there are things that I just have to do and I don’t like doing them, just because I am not yet in a stage in my life where I can afford to do things I like doing all the darn time.

But here is the thing, as much as we don’t always get what we want in life, and we just don’t have a choice in other areas of our lives, we have things that we can control. These are the things I want to talk about. These things include: HABITS, ROUTINES, EXPRESSING YOURSELF, RELATIONSHIPS and our JOBS. This is pretty much going to come in two parts for the next couple of weeks or so, and we are still looking for a name for this mini-series, yeah. Which means today we focus on the first two “HABITS & ROUTINES”. I personally discovered that there are things I do, but that do not make me necessarily happy, but I do anyway, because I have to do them for my life to move, such as waking up early, clean-up the house and other things and then go to work. I pretty much miss a whole lot of many things, I love I could do the rest of the day, to maximize my happiness. I once mentioned some of them before, and I will be specifying on how to make your habits and routine work for you towards achieving happiness (Always remember the ultimate goal is happiness and not perfection).

How to make your daily ROUTINE and HABITS work for you incorporating things you like:

·     ROUTINE – Do not have a fixed routine (this applies to morning and night), things done every day, over and over and over again, become so boring and stale. The moment you start feeling this way, your productivity levels decrease, because who likes “stale”.  Switch things up in your routine and color your world.

·         In the morning when you exercise, note one thing, it doesn’t have to be stiff, commanded and boring. I used to hate exercise simply because I have always thought it means weights, treadmills, gym clothes and steel and heavy rubber. The moment I got a little interested in it and searched a bit about it, I figured you can exercise through skipping rope or dance too, and I mean does your girl here love dancing? Hell yeah, I do, so I do that, I dance a lot. I can’t promise you I’m consistent and dance exercise every day, because I don’t #laughs, I don’t do that every day, but every other week, but it makes me so happy because I like dance and also help me boost some hormones that can only be released through exercise.

·         To make yourself even useful and lively, try to wake up very early to start your routine, trust me waking up earlier than six o’clock makes you even more productive and to cover all parts of your routine an incorporate more of the things you like, which in turns lights up your day and makes you an even happier person to work with or around, which is a win-win for everybody.

·         HABITS- I’m pretty sure most of the things I’m going to mention here I have mentioned before, but I can never say stress them enough. You need to practise Gratitude. We don’t always have the things we want in life, but if you look closely we usually have what we need. And I must also mention that you also to have to be too contended, it paralysis your creativity. If you need to read more on this (refer to my other post titled: “Gratitude and not Contentment Please”.

·         In a world that is constantly seeking to cripple us and fight with our happy buttons stay positive. Positivity is a state that calls, good things to happen to you, drawn closer by the power of “AFFIRMATIONS”, You say out what you want to happen and let it go out there, work on it, we don’t work “hard” anymore we work “smart”, so that our goals may be reached. And oh please, note that you can be positive but also not forgetting reality, you can’t expect to be successful by just practicing positivity, but it can help you express yourself better expecting better results than self-doubting.

·         Have a habit of learning from mistakes, and better yourself on the way, to produce better results. This is just what it is, in its full sense, Learn, learn and learn!!!

·         N.B In every good/bad habit you do, always remember that it’s not something you “have”, it’s something you “do”, it is a doing word, which means that you have control over it. All  I’m saying is, you don’t always have to do something you don’t like to be productive, you can put in a little spice here and there to make it brighten up your day, it’s not simple as that , (I wish it was, but it can be done).

#growth  #selfdevelopment  #drive

Monday, 18 March 2019

I am not normal !!!

Yes, you heard me right… I am not normal, I have been diagnosed by my very own doctor who is private and only practice for me: myself. In medical terms they call it “self-diagnosis”, in many cases not advised, and I rightfully agree. Self-diagnosis is wrong, you need to seek professional assistance, consult with the people who know best, but to hell with all that because I know even the most experienced doctors can also make mistakes. So when I seek expert advice on matters that concern my mental capabilities I know best where to go, (of course there are exceptions, laughs, note I said  one’s mental capabilities” and not physicalhealth problems, see a doctor please) , (and yes I talk to myself too, because I give the best advice around #laughs).

 Trust me on this one, you need to relax and listen, and listen very carefully. So recently I self-diagnosed myself with an abnormality everybody else should actually be proud of, yes you also have it, its called "Self-Awareness". After all the things I have been through in my life, the loses, the experiences, the failures, the downs, I also have experienced the ups, the successes, the gains, the laughter, the joy , the love and everything in between, this is me and this is real. There is no any other Christine like me, my capacity and my abilities, my strength and even my name, I mean this is as real as it can get. And here comes a society that is constantly trying to change us, making us uniform, setting its standards of beauty, of normalcy, who the hell is this society,  upon every little detail that has made me, ME? Are you following? Let me drag you with me, you will understand in a bit...

Who defines normal? Who sets the standards of normalcy? Who knows what normal looks like and smells like? Give me an answer to this and maybe you may make me sit down, but as long as you do not have the most sufficient answer, then you sit down!!! Why do you need to be normal, when the best version of you can only be explored through all the craziness you possess? I once read somewhere written, “ It is difficult to maintain your sanity and your actual self in a world that is constantly trying to change it”, and trust me if you allow it, you definitely get swallowed by it. Why does the world have to have so much power in defining what you are supposed to do as a person? It is because we allow it. There is nothing called normal, that you must be. That abnormality, is your very normal, which means there are many, "normals" out there, in fact 7 billion if I am not mistaken.

“Part of your happiness may lie in moving on from where you are right now” John Stanko
That place that limits you from exploring you as an individual.

Lately I have been reading more than ever before, as a way to explore what’s really out in the world. To know what’s going on in the places I can never physically reach( OTHER PEOPLE’S MINDS AND HEARTS), and I have noticed, the loudest voice out there is about “being yourself”, before you are everybody else. I recently came across Jonh Stanko’s book that has completely changed my life(by now you should know I’m all about PURPOSE). I feel like I have read everything in it even before I ever read it. I realized most of the things it talks about. I have recently started to practise and this is a grand confirmation,  that I’m in the right path. In the same vein it has taught me that you need not be normal to be accepted by the society, because there is no need for you to be, in fact there is nothing such as normal. And as a result the best and most productive you can get is by ignoring the normal, or what is regarded as such because it doesn’t exist, these are all illusions that we are made to see. You are your own being.

It has taught me to grant myself permission to go ahead with my life as I see fit, to beat the cranky old man inside of me as much as you have your own in you, to beat and fight self-talking, to appreciate an audience of one, to embrace your creativity to press on, to start seeing myself as I am ; that is not being normal, to break the rules drawn by the society or by myself, if they are limiting my productivity as well as my growth, to take a break from all that is expected of me by the society, to celebrate my failures, to hug and kiss myself, to talk to myself, to start even when I am very old, All this because I am not like the rest, I am not normal. I do not follow the standards set by the society to reach what is expected of me. To live my life, and live it the best way possible!!!

Remember to embrace your own normal,cause the rest of them are all taken.

#growth #selfawareness #selflove

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Look at Me now!!!


My beautiful people, the real MVPs, the ones who are with me just now on my take off, before I am a household name ( and yes we are going places, trust me we are) , you are the real ones. I just want to take this time to extend my gratitude to you, the comments and sharing of the link and the referrals and everything, lots of love.

Today I am talking about something so deep and dear to me. Today, almost twenty years ago (11th of March 2000) I lost my biological mother, she passed away before I even turned eight years of age, three years down the line I also lost my father, way before I even started my high school. I must tell you I wasn’t really aware of my loss, I thought they had gone to some far-away place, where they will come back, I thought it was temporary. I’m sure to the rest of the world it was a sad event:  poor little girl left with no-one else, no one to call mother or father, no one to see her start high school, no one to celebrate her twenty-first birthday, no one to send her off to university, and definitely no one to see her graduate at university.

Guess what? Life had other plans, I got myself the most beautiful, loving and caring second mother. There was one point in life where I was so conflicted, I doubted my paternity, I doubted that my very first parents were really my parents, #laughs. Might I tell you why? My second mother loved me unconditionally, I lacked nothing, I had everything a girl wanted. We were not exactly rich but we had everything, love, family, food, friends, church, a nice house and most of all life. I remember one day I decided enough of this conflict, I went to my mother and I asked, “Are you sure you not my birth mother?”, she was shook, obviously anybody who could have heard me ask this could be shook too. She asked, “What do you mean, girl?” I told her, “…the way you love me is amazing, it shocks me every day that I did not come out of you.

It shocks me every day of my life that someone can love a child this much without being the birth mother, are you sure when I was born you just didn’t give the first woman( meaning my biological mother) me so that she could take care of me, I mean maybe she couldn’t have kids of her own..” My second mother just laughed and all she said was, …”ende unopenga…”(meaning you are one crazy girl…). She had tears in her eyes, I don’t know why but I know whatever I said touched her and/or reminded her of the loss of her brother and his wife. Might I just tell you that this second mother of mine is my father’s sister which makes her my aunt, but my mind just decided to see her as my mother. This could be confusing to some but if you are African aunt means a lot of things, it doesn’t mean that the person is your mother’s sister, (African dynamics; story for another day).

 To cut the story short I found my mother in my father’s sister, my very own good loving and amazing mother.I am very grateful for the events that unfolded in my life. I strongly believe now that had it not been the greatest loses I faced in my life, I could have not developed enough to be the woman I am today. Today I walk with my head held up so high, with so much confidence and a rich life, filled with love embedded in my heart which I learnt from the woman I call my mother. In this month of celebrating women , some are only aspiring to be the bold women and aspiring to bear them and raise them, and there is my mama, not aspiring but looking at what she did, she literally bore me, and raised me and she is the woman only other young women wish to be in future. That is exactly the woman she raised me to be, and I in turn promise to bear that kind of a woman, to raise her and to stay her.

I am very confident right now, and this I know that had it not been what I went through in life, I could be a different person right now. I could have been a person who doesn’t value family, who doesn’t care about other people, I could have been a failure, maybe by now I couldn’t even had finished school, because trust me this diva right here was spoilt brat to begin with (before the death of my parents). I did what I wanted and was the boss of my father before he passed on. He was my toy, everything I asked for he gave it to me probably because he was just acting out of pure love and protection, for me not to think of my late mother, whatever his logic was, it was from a place of love, but I am convinced that could have ruined me, made me into an entitled brat who thought that the world revolved around her. Never had I ever thought of another way things could have turned out, because this is all I know and my mother gave me everything and created this beautiful for me.

She taught me to be a warrior, to be strong, to stand up for myself, to be fearless, and to roar out loud like the king lion I am. I say these things because I know what I have been through in life but remained sane because of the love I have received all my life. Did I tell you that not long before I finished High School I lost the only thing I had in my name, my baby sister, which shattered my world, but if not for the covering I had and the mercies of life, and the God who knows best to give battles to his strongest soldiers, I could have killed myself so I could join the rest of the family. But not one thought like that crept through my mind.

·         Do not, I repeat do not skip through your loses, they make you who you are in the end.
·         Just because you’ve lost in life, do not think that you are the only one, and that your loss is bigger than the next person’s. This is because pain is pain, whether it is pain from a paper cut, or pain from a broken leg, just because you think yours is bigger, you deserve to drown in self-pity and sorrow? No, someone has lost but they beat it and emerged stronger than before .

·         Don’t label yourself because of the circumstances you’ve gone through in life, had I labelled myself “poor orphan”, imagine where I would be right now, “orphan” is just a word that describes loss of parents, definitely not who you are.
·         Everything happens for a reason. And you might go on and say “only I wish I knew what reason it was”, I have an answer for you: the reason is because you can take it, beat it and conquer it. Because if not you then who else deserves it, because your character is being built, because…well if you don’t know me, I can produce a whole book giving you answers to the question “what is the reason?”

·         Out of all our loses, we come out victors…
Look at me now mom and dad, look at how your girl turned out, look at the greatest gift you left her, her second mother, a gift of life, she is flourishing. Look at me now, I have grown and I can speak and write English properly (smiles, you could have been so proud of me, don’t worry my mama got you all). Look at this gorgeous, beautiful woman that is called Christine, she can write too #smiles. Dear mom and dad I know it has been almost 20 years now, but may your souls continue to rest in eternal peace!!! And these have been the most teaching years of my life and I am grateful you planned to plant a seed called ME in this world.

P.S: Dear Lovely person reading this, I hope this inspired you in one way or the other, I don’t mind the capacity of the inspiration, as long as it is there, and as long as you just realized that after all, all the trials and tribulations we go through in life, don’t last forever, we all have our happy endings. I love you all… !!

Friday, 8 March 2019

How did I get here?

How did I get here?

You ever asked yourself this question before??

Was it a good question or a bad question? What do I mean by this? This is a question that one might ask themselves when they have conquered and came out with good results. Just because they did not have any idea how they could do it, at all when they began their journey. In another scenario it could be you questioning your sanity, your decisions in life, your regret and everything that happened you never thought would happen.
I want to talk to two different kinds of people right now. The one who is asking this question out of disbelief, that after all they went through, they have conquered. I am also going to speak to the one who is asking this question out of regret. Here we go.

1.      “Out of nothing came out something, it is not just something but someone strikingly amazing!” (@christine-matenga IG)

I am talking to you who doubted your ability in the first place. Your ability to change the situation, to lead your life, to come out best. You didn’t think you were going to make it, to come out of it alive, to be successful, to move on, to pass, to conquer, but look where you are now. The power that you have is no power that can be underestimated, it’s no power to take for granted, it’s no power to ever doubt. It’s a power built within you to change things for the better, to fight through and conquer, to pull through against all odds and speak life to dry bones.

What power am I talking about? It’s the power to build, the power to come first , the power to speak life, to speak happiness and to change thing for the better. I have no idea what you went through in life( but I know what I have, and I don’t want to imagine it, I lost a great deal, but here I am); you could have lost a child, your mother, your job, literally everything, but how did you get here? You could have gotten help from friends and family, you could have been helped by a strong support system, but had you not decided to move on, you couldn’t have made it. This is the power I am talking about. This is a power we possess as human beings, a power so unimaginable, a power called your “mind”.

You have so much of it vested in you to create and build and speak life and happiness. It’s a power I want to acknowledge its existence and use it for your own good. This is a power that was given to you by nature, by the universe, by God who created heaven and earth, by whatever supernatural being you acknowledge its divinity. You are here because you allowed yourself not to take eternity being the victim; you told yourself there is life after everything else. This is a lesson to you, that no matter what, don’t ever doubt yourself and your capabilities. You got here because no matter how much you doubted yourself, you proved yourself wrong, which means that you have a power you underestimate, and only you, you can do more, if you believe in yourself.

 I came here to tell that I am so proud of you, and you definitely should be. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, there is more you can do, just you do not know, and I am here to make you understand or to remind you to remember this. Just as I am growing to find myself, join with me so that we can grow together. I have found that, had I not been doubting myself the whole while, I could have gone places far than I am right now, but it’s a process, a process you got to trust, and as we learn from our mistakes, we got to grow and be open to learn more, and trust that we are more than we let on. Give yourself a hug, nobody owes you anything and neither do you owe anyone anything for coming out great. Is your question answered now? I hope at least you now have an idea how you got here, BECAUSE YOU CAN, UNAPOLOGETICALLY SO!!!

2.      Out of something, emerged nothing and not only nothing but strikingly dust and ashes
(@christine-matenga IG)

The power you have to build is the very same power you have to destroy, to destruct beyond recognition. I am talking to you who feels useless, unworthy, full of regrets, failures and everything negative. Do you realize what you have done to yourself. The decisions you have made and the mistakes you have not learnt from, have you thought why they have followed you. The power you have given to the outside world to label you a failure, to label you useless, and accept it as you have. So much power you have given through your lack of forgiveness, regret, self-blame and everything that has called a dark cloud upon you. Have you thought how this has broken the beautiful person you are. The pity parties you have thrown yourself ever since what happened took place.

Your very own seclusion, done by you from the rest of the world and your inability to call or ask for help, your fear to be judged, your lack of trust to the person who could have helped you, your doubt, your misjudgment, your everything negative. Why haven’t you taken time to forgive, to move on, to learn to let go, to listen, to surrender, to swallow your pride. How did I get here? Because in many cases than one you have misjudged, you have thought negative about yourself, you calculated your loses and found them overwhelmingly so many even before giving the chance to the other person. How did you get here? Because you surrendered before you even fought. You found yourself unworthy before even trying to find how much you are worthy. You cared too much and you gave it all. You believed you cannot, and you couldn’t. 

Your mind is power, and you didn’t know. You passed the final judgement even before everybody else did, and when they did, that was the final nail on the coffin. So you ask, how did I get here? You got here because you failed to see the power you have, the power to forgive and live, to ask for help, to learn from mistakes and never make them again, you kept opening your heart to the one person that kept hurting you. But it’s never too late, because I am here to remind you that before you know it, you can change this “nothing to something, and not only something but a strikingly amazing someone”, stop with the pity party, because it’s what got you here in the first place, you gave the outside too much power to dictate your life. Change starts with you, it starts with you, because you are everything amazing.

Stand up and put your life together. Why do I speak like I know what I am talking about? Because I have been there, but I took my life back and realized that “ ONLY I HAVE THE POWER TO BE WHERE I WANT TO BE, and when the time to ask myself comes, “How did I get here? , I will gladly smile and say “Because I believed I could and I did”….
Did I just speak to somebody? I hope I did? If not enough look for me, and we will talk some more… Stay beautiful, stay conquering, stay on top, because you are number one, own your own role, because everybody else is taken…

#conquer2019 #believeinyou #yesyoucan

Monday, 4 March 2019

I am available for what's next

“Whoever said that opportunity knocks only once must have died young…when yours does come, and I know it will, open the door and scream this welcome as loud as you can, I am available for what’s next” , T.D Jakes : Let It Go…

Because I have heard a whole lot of “don’t waste your chances, ey you only got one shot at this, and one shot at that”. I just thought I should come here and give you this word today, opportunity doesn’t come once, it knocks on your door a thousand times if not a thousand and one times, just it doesn’t come in one form, it comes in many ways. Sometimes we are only blind to see it, or we are looking for them in the wrong places. Your opportunity will come and when it does just know that someone out there, called Christine is really happy for YOU and she always knew you were going to make it, because like I always say, everybody has his own season, it is all about timing, you should know that I swear with this by now.

So what am I saying? I am saying each step you take towards reaching your dream(well I once mentioned that it is high time we stopped calling them dreams and call them “the plan”, however will talk about this more in detail another time) is an opportunity to making that dream a reality. We make mistakes, (me included) of waiting for that big break, that big record deal with that big record label, or a well-known figure to mentor us, or whatever this ideal thing situation we have in our heads as that opportunity we were waiting for to have our big break. But hey listen; opportunities are everywhere, they have stages, they have forms, and they come in our way every day, think about it. Seeing a new day is an opportunity one more day to reaching that higher place, I know you rightfully know this, but you choose not to acknowledge it. You choose to be so fused on yesterday’s failures and closed doors, your eyes are not looking on the price. We are either focused on yesterday’s failures or tomorrow’s perceived huge opportunity.

We miss opportunities simply because we do not know they exist. We are usually busy and set our eyes on some other things we have made in our own heads and just because Zee did it this way, I might just take this way and it will happen for me. (I mean yes it might happen for you, very well, but I mean don’t restrict yourself). We are not open, we are not flexible, and we are programmed to follow a certain way, so much so that we miss many opportunities coming our way every day. 

This is basic Psychology I am talking about, but we generally just ignore things we think are small (which in turn grow to be big and significant in our lives, over time). We miss many opportunities just because we have our minds focused on something, and are not open-minded enough to realize that a lot is happening around us. Opportunity definitely doesn’t come once, it comes every day, by new dawn, new day, new week, new month, new relationships, new friendships… So as March begins I would like for you to open your eyes, start conversations, not be limited, and be open to a new floodgates of opportunities around you by doing all or some of the following:

·         Be open and flexible; don’t be fixed on what you already have in mind…

·         Forget the past, the norm and tradition ,yes I said it, forget all of it and start every day with an open mind, it can be difficult I know, but new ways of doing things, new eyes of seeing the world, new ‘and set of circumstances( I said new, I didn’t say right, because if you wait for the right circumstances trust me you will stay the same, nobody is going to come and set the circumstances right for you, you are never going to get anything done if you wait), new chances for you to do that one thing that will get you there…

·         Listen with your eyes, read and read some more (you guessed right, I wasn’t going to leave this one out)…

·         Think without the box (There is no box)…

·    And always remember to turn challenges into opportunities (challenges and conflicts are inevitable. They are life itself, it’s conflictual.  Every challenge is an opportunity to do it better, besides trouble or struggle is the mother of invention and innovation…Be always alert and available for the next opportunity, because I am not here to play, I am here to be available for what’s next.

Always remember to live your best life, open your eyes and see some more every day, you live for a purpose, and if you haven’t found it already, look some more, and you know what, always find a friend who has already, like me, I now know parts of my ultimate purpose of existence and as I am growing in the journey of life, I strive to be the light in someone’s life even as I look for the light myself…

Stay happy, stay smiling, stay winning, we are all parts of one body and for it to function; we all need to be in good state, the reason why we should all work together for good. I am here to listen if you ever want to talk, so that our body could function to its full potential…

#happynewmonthofmarch  #staywinning  #conquer2019

Sorry to judge, I can only imagine what you have gone through...

                To you whose life I broke through my words...                                                 ðŸ’”💔💔 I am sitting here t...