Tuesday 2 April 2019

Back to basics : Cheers to growth !!!

Yippy it’s our birthday today, as well as marking 3 months since starting a whole new journey together, it’s a special day to be alive and appreciating the journey. Exactly 3 months ago, the 2nd of January I officially started this blog to share a whole lot of things that go on in my crazy mind, some are real life experiences, and some are intended goals and some, well are from my imaginations, I mean I am a big dreamer, crazy one at that if you didn’t know, so please get deep into it knowing what exactly you are getting into #Laughs.

 Starting this blog has been one of the best decisions of my life, and I am so proud to have done it and stayed consistent. Its therapy for my soul and a hope for other people which makes me even more excited to be living. I have received a number of messages cheering me on, as well as appreciating my work, I am sure I am going places and am ready to venture into more writing and more life coaching and life changing talks and such. Thank you all for the support you’ve shown so far, and I am grateful we are learning a thing or two every day and growing together.

In today’s post I am excited to write about growth, consistency and following up on goals and plans we have put on our vision boards. I remember as the year started, one of the first posts here was one that visited the importance of drawing a vision board for one’s self, noting down goals and planning on how to execute them, as well as drawing down positive affirmations, drawing close the law of attraction. This week marks the beginning into the second quarter of the year, which means revisiting the board to see progress, or for some lack there-of and revisiting areas that caused it.
The vision board shenanigans started with these tools of trade,. i recommend you to try it if you haven't already it's only three months into the year, you can start now, it's never too late.

The past months of 2019, have been whole three big months, potentially life changing to some, totally life changing to others, and to me a point of self-discovery and finding more self-love and growth in my area of creativity. I discovered I love art with a passion, writing even more and reading a whole lot more, I found out I have more potential than I even believed I did, I found favour in people who discovered talents I didn’t know existed in me and I found out that I have a long way to go, a happy one and which spells more growth and exposure for me.

Remember the vision board I did and posted on it, I wrote more than twenty things I wanted to manifest in 2019, and guess what ,about five have already manifested and even better than I thought would although half of those are a bit different than I imagined, they are still in the same line with a twist, its confirmed, there is power in the words we speak , and this applies to whether you are Christian or not, it is true. The universe listens and listens very carefully, now I’m even aware and careful how I choose words that describe me. You are what you say you are and you will be what you believe you will be, mark my words!!
Take time and go back to the basics, review your goals and revisit areas that you feel are not growing, go back to the drawing board. Reward yourself for your hard earned success and progress. Appreciate your growth no matter the rate at which it happens. I know we all want to grow fast, but it happens differently in life, sometimes it has nothing to do with who is putting in the hard work , it’s just about perfect timing, life has a way of squaring everything right in time. Note: Besides gone are days of working too hard, now these are days to be working smart, figure it out, what works for you and what doesn’t.

Follow Up: Ask yourself
·         How far have I gone with my goals of 2019?
·         Where am I growing? What methods am I using to achieve this?
·         Where am I lacking and how can I improve? How are others doing it? How can I learn from people more accomplished and better than me?
·         What is my ultimate goal and how does it help me grow, socially, financially and psychologically?
·         How are my relationships going and how can I improve them for my well-being?
·         In which areas do I need to improve, communication, handling finances or taking care of my health?
·         Reflect in all areas you included in your vision board or your goals, and never forget to appreciate yourself, forget not yourself, you usually do that I know.
·         Lastly always never compare yourself with someone who has been doing the same thing you doing for years, it takes time, you grow gradually, the point is to learn from them rather than compare ,it will steal your joy, and you don’t want that.
like always  let go and smile!!!

After all being said this is to growth and crushing goals #cheers …. Remember to love yourself best and keep your shine, you the best version of you, you got. Lots of love, mwaaah!

#growth #selfdevelopment #crashinggoals


  1. I'm surely working smart..kkkk and harder to.. Waiting patiently for that next post cousy��

    1. aw thanks dear,you've always made me proud, i don't doubt you

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


Sorry to judge, I can only imagine what you have gone through...

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