Monday, 24 June 2019

Why should your opinion matter more than mine?

My beautiful people, hope I find you well, I am thankful to be alive, and the more I am living every day the more I receive life gifts that are beautiful and meaningful. I want to live more and explore these gifts. Really it’s amazing how the universe acts, I mean it could be some random acts of kindness from the universe to me I don’t know but I sure enjoy how the words I speak upon my life have so much impact right back in my life. Let me explain myself in a second, I am just excited.

So just recently I wrote an expression called “teach me love”, check my last post .I don’t know if it is me or what, but since January I have been saying a lot of positive words upon my life and I have seen my life take a tour for a significant positive change. Of course April was kind of a bad month for me (I now understand that no matter how happy we design our lives to be through affirmations, sometimes life being life just happens and it’s how we rise up that defines the amount of strength we have in us, I fought I conquered), overall I have had such a fruitful and fulfilling year so far based upon my affirmations (you can have a little piece of my April challenges here 

I digressed(sorry) Back to my last post “teach me love”, I have have this desire in me to do more good and appreciate the people around me more, to do acts of kindness and love even more the people that make it hard to love (you know what I mean #winks). You get what you want, just mean it and ask for it with good intentions and a meaningful heart. I wasn’t really ready, but I am getting what I asked for, little by little we are getting there.

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All being said, in this regard just during the weekend I had a number of experiences that even furthers my longing for us as humans to have love for each other. Genuine love that calls for acceptance and embracing each other, with a love that transcends physical and perceived boundaries. Because as it is right now, we are lacking, man we are so judgmental, so close-minded and we are so imposing and in some cases so limiting and as it is the Christian folk is the most guilty of this as I speak for myself as a Christian, the church hurts my feelings, really we hurt each other a whole lot and this makes my heart bleed.

We make each other feel even undeserving and so unworthy, crucifying some people for the exact same sins or worse we do behind closed doors, (Child who hurt you so bad, you might ask?, nobody in particular but everybody who has judged the next person simply because they didn’t partake the life that they want them to live based on the values they see as right. I am guilty of this but I am trying, please pray for me and join me in trying to live our best lives without imposing our opinions on other people, Lets grow together and grow right while at it). Most of these are completely personal choices therefore let’s respect each other and keep hatred and negativity at bay.

So what’s my story? Your opinions matter, so do mine. In very situation really, be quick to listen and be slow to judge, be quick to keep an open mind and be slow to jump to conclusion or limit someone because you think you are better than them, or because you think you are morally cleaner or you know better, everyone has a lesson for us and we are not good at everything. Just a tip: Geniuses or intelligent people, well in this case “emotionally intelligent people”, are quick to say and know that they do not know everything, there is a lesson in every situation, they are always eager to learn, and I really want to be amongst these ones and I want you to be too( that’s if you want it too, laughs).

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This piece might be all over the place but let me rant and please be patient, all I want to put across is that: let’s stop imposing our lifestyles on others, just because you don’t eat meat, do not bash those who do, preach your preferences in peace and let other people learn the best way from you peacefully, the same applies on religion, politics, family matters, work ethics, you name it. If you preach in showing your opinions’ benefits peacefully and gracefully, you never know whose life you can impact positively. It’s not about force really, it’s about compassion and empathy. This even extends to how we correct other people around us, I’m sure nobody wants to be corrected in a provoking way, try it on me (to be honest if you correct me rudely and loudly, you will get what’s coming your way I will be equally rude and loud about it, knowing fully well I’m wrong, I’m just being as honest as ever, but if you do it gracefully and quietly, I sure will be remorseful and listen, even apologize and try to change. Real queens fix other queens’ crowns quietly, (I have forgotten the exact expression but I guess you get my point).

If you don’t like something, quietly and respectively stop watching, stop listening, move away, simply do it in the most “respectful way” possible and always know that everybody is entitled to their own opinion and it’s OK because we are different, diversity is the word and that’s why the rainbow is beautiful, it has many different colors existing in harmony. As long as the opinions are not life threatening or vulgar, then let other people thrive with you. Let’s try to be tolerant (of course I mentioned not to BS, although this is subjective, but I know there is a standard of good and bad generally existing in life, don’t take bull whilst minding your own business),but let’s accept others, which is the main message in this whole “rantage” of words #smiles. Yes I know I’m dramatic like that.

I take this world generally at a macro scale, and the church at a micro scale, as a literal social hospital, nobody is perfect, we are all looking for growth with the ultimate goal of reaching to our full health’s potential, thus are learning every day. Don’t let the people in the church/world hurt you to the extent of hating them; we are all sick in a way and in a hospital to our full healing. Let’s all exist together and as each of us heal, at different times of course, let’s tolerate each other’s growth and celebrate our growth. It’s not about perfection it’s about learning to embrace different opinions and move on with our lives.

"The rainbow is beautiful because it has many different colors, it knows that good things in life are formed through accepting diversity, learn from it " C.Matenga
pic cred @wallpapercave
Always remember we should all be thriving in our differences, because the world need this diversity to see its fullest potential after all, we are all different parts of a one whole body. The stomach cannot function to its full potential without the mouth, so does the very important part that passes waste out, need I say more #winks of course you get my point!!! Let’s practice ACCEPTANCE!!!

I live for a day that somebody will tell me this, “Christine, I am not a Christian/ black/a woman/insert whatever you identify yourself with, but I still relate to your work and have really learnt a lot from you, I don’t exactly agree with all your opinions but I must acknowledge I have learnt a lot and my life has been positively influenced by you…” This is the level of acceptance I look for and I also want to practice. I am not exactly the most open-minded person in the room but I am willing to try it out, who is with me? Let’s grow together!

#everybodysopinionmatter #diversity #embracingindividuality

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Teach me Love : Letter to the universe

Hello my beautiful people, I’m always excited when I come here to share with you some of my deepest life lessons, ambitions, hopes and desires, because I know I am not alone. It makes me so happy to share my state of mind through writing, and I feel like I can connect better with the rest of the world through sharing these thoughts. This is one of my recent spoken word pieces and I thought it would fit perfectly with the message I want to pass on today. Enjoy…


Teach me love …
Yes dear universe, I ask of a favor of a lifetime, if I ever in my lifetime have to ask for one gift, this is what I ask for…In a world that is full of selfishness, discontentment, pure lack of consideration and misconceptions of love itself, I ask for one thing…
A love so profound, a love unimaginable, undefined, unconquered…

Teach me to love everybody else as I expect to be loved, to treat them with enough respect just as I yearn for, a deep understanding I search for and a common ground I cry for…
Teach me to love beyond measure, to give before being asked, to listen and give a hand when a soul in need is in sight, teach me to give an ear and keep an open mind, not to judge but take time and spare my time enough to inspire and breathe life...

Dear universe, teach me to treat everybody with a genuine appreciation of their undisputed uniqueness, individuality and peculiarity, teach me to appreciate their deep human nature and pour me a deep affection towards the rest and enhance my humanity…
Teach me to be humble enough to let them express their deepest concerns without me striking them with discontentment and discord, I do not want to sit here look pretty and be part of a continuously breaking world anymore, I am sick and tired of the disconcerted definition of love in its every perception…

I seek of a love that is deep in its depth, extended in its form and prolonged in its nature, a love that sees beyond color, race, possessions, a love that embraces diversity, in its eternity…

When you are done cooking and preparing this unfathomable, undisputed, unimaginable kind of love, fill my cup and let it overflow as i dip my lips into it, let my body quiver in pleasure of being in contact with a feeling so magical, ready to anoint the deeper depths of my human to spread this kind of love…

Teach me to splurge this kind of love around and share it with the world, a love  that seems and feels unreal, a love that heals the hostile, that mends the broken, that listens to the voiceless, that  is considerate to the often ignored, and connects  with an unending chord, a chord of understanding and peaceful co-existence…

I know this is almost impossible, but almost isn’t really not the ultimate most, is it? I know it’s not, therefore I am here asking for the most, because even if it takes a hundred years and an absolute most of time, I am here standing the test of time, waiting in time for that very time that this kind of love will be thoroughly unraveled to all of us as humanity and, and then that time we will all put others first and embrace the fruits of co-existence…

Teach me a love almost unnatural, a love so profound, a love unconquered, a love I almost can expect from only a higher power, that’s the kind of love I yearn to be gifted with, to give out to the world as much as I also yearn to be flowered with that rarity!!!

TEACH ME LOVE @Christine Matenga Spokenword

We live in a world that has many misconceptions and this is not an exception to the biggest part of our life ”LOVE”. In this piece I ask of the universe to give me a deep love towards other people as much as I expect to be loved by the rest of the world in a similar manner. I mean of course it sounds like an impossibility to love the next person just as much as you love yourself, but look at it this way: Do you like it when other people generally hate you, because of your color, race, ethnicity, where you come from, what you have/ haven’t achieved, anything really?, how some people with power generally are inconsiderate, have distorted priorities, why the world is constantly developing into a world that has so much chaos, inconsiderate leaders, men that take advantage of women, women that use men for money, corrupt people everywhere, lies, deceitfulness, and a whole lot of bad.

Is this how we want to keep living like? Do we ever think of the future? Do we ever think of our children who are going to have to live with our lack of general love? What is our future like if we lack this common critical part of life? Just think about it? Ask for that one thing from the universe that you feel is very important to the growth of our existence as humans. What’s the greatest gift you seek to have from the universe so that your children will inherit from you, something that cannot come in monetary value? For me it is LOVE, and I don’t mean the romantic kind, I mean the general kind, love for humanity, unconditional love towards the next person, the love I expect to be given.
For me it is LOVE, and I don’t mean the romantic kind, I mean the general kind, love for humanity, unconditional love towards the next person, the love I expect to be given.

 Always remember: YOU CANNOT EXPECT FROM THE UNIVERSE WHAT YOU CAN’T GIVE YOURSELF, this rule generally applies to every other person, give out what you constantly yearning for and teach the world how best you ought to be loved, and make the world a better place!!! Like always I am just as a reminder to the life lessons we keep forgetting. Lots of love always. Till next time …XOXO

#spokenwordpoetry #reflections #lifelessons #teachmelove

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Letter from the Not-so-innocent-me

Dear Current Self...

Dear Current-Self

Please give me a chance to express myself to you as much as you recklessly throw the most hurtful of words without hesitation or doubt. Please don’t shut me up before I even say all I have been burying deep down in my broken heart. I know, I know you hate me with a passion and sometimes doubt yourself and you always are in flight mode whenever I try to reach out, but listen just listen and let me let it all out, no doubt I will be nice, I come in peace and all I want I to live with you in peace and leave here in one piece, I promise I will be nice.

The day I came into your life, we were so much in love because you were ready to experiment, to live a little and explore a whole lot, I mean I wasn’t the best of your options because you weren’t so sure, but I sure was fun, and I sure held your hand and I never was prepared to take a run. I was here for the long run, but fate happened, and just like the truth it is, everything comes and happens for a reason, to build and do more building. I am not bragging but let me give you one hint, you are here because of me, I was the deep gorge you needed to pass through to your light, I was the fun but bad that you required for you to know and differentiate between right and wrong.

I know I am that part you decided to let go and let me tell you this, I am not mad at you so please stop treating me like an enemy here, I am not. I understand why you left me. It’s a lonely place down here, here in the pits, but it gives me joy that you have navigated through life the way you have, you have grown, you now appreciate treating other people well because we had one hell of a ride when we were taking them for rides. I must say the day you started feeling sick of all the bad things we used to do together I knew it was for me to give you a chance to meet yourself, to appreciate the things in your life and understand that people are not objects that can be used or replaced, that’s why we have things, gadgets and everything else non-human use those.

I pushed you to the limits and showed you that there is nothing beyond being dishonest, non-loyal, cheating, not committing, lying, stealing and a whole lot of the things we did in the dark, that’s all it is mortal fun. It was fun as well as educative, please give me the accolades I deserve: I led you through the darkness, so you can meet light, I let you loose so you can learn to hang so tight, I whispered in your ears be sly, be savage so you can have so much baggage, and when time comes you will understand not to judge people based on that which they bring when they come into your life and speak their love language.

With no doubt I gave you character, I built it from the ground, I am neither beating about the bush ,nor going around, I am setting my foot on the ground, and rightfully express my mind, so profound. Stop giving me attitude and understand what I am telling you with great aptitude, I speak of what I know, and I speak from the known, we both know we weren’t saints, but for how long will you go, shutting me out and not embracing me for who I was in your life. I gave you the liberty to move on after I played my role, but you keep disrespecting me, by running away from all the truth and not giving me credit of my role. Sweetheart I am not going to judge you, but I am giving you power to accept that we had a good time, but you had to grow up.

 Now listen, stop beating yourself about changing the past, man I am always going to be part of you, I apologise I cannot be erased, I have siblings everywhere in everybody’s life, some have stunted growth , some take time to let go their hosts but one thing for sure we are here to teach life worth lessons. We are to jump start lives, we are for a purpose, and I promise you like I did; we always let go and take the back sit, sometimes we are very hard to leave behind, but the right time always comes. 

It’s always different for everybody, depending upon the lives they live and the circumstances in their lives, but we come and go, and trust me, believe it or not the experience we come and gift you with are amazing, you will understand this when you grow older. Tell me you didn’t learn a thing or two? I know you did ( not to threaten you but if you invite me in any case I’m glad to give you round two, but I know you have learnt enough now, so I will stay behind where I belong).

One favour I ask from you is to make peace with me, and keep the lessons I gave you. I wish for you to accept that what happened was for the lessons and experience, I served my term in your heart, and I made marks. I am unapologetic for pushing you so hard sometimes, but look at you today, aren’t you beautifully amazing? I look at you and I sigh and ooze with pride, I mean you are amusing. I don’t wish to come again, I will sit in the background and wait for you to move on from me, and the moment you will stop shutting me down, I will peacefully take my goods with me and trust me you will never ever have to fight me, cause I will not be loud anymore.

Stop beating yourself and know that I am always part of you, just accept it and move on doing that will give you the power to release the energy of forgiveness deep in your heart the moment you stop suppressing me, your very own forgiveness to you. I told you I am not part of your future, you have every power to make it what you want it to be. I am only here as your past to build the character you needed. I mean look at you aren’t you what the entire world appreciates. Keep going forward and never look back, I do not define you. I am here for peace and with this I say TRUCE.

Yours Ready to go when you want


Hello my beautiful people, I hope this speaks to you in away you never really thought of seeing it, we came here to learn, grow and conquer, lets grow together!!!

#growth #selfreflections #selflove

Sorry to judge, I can only imagine what you have gone through...

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