Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Regrets? No!!!

Live a life full of lessons not regrets, it might seem like one after being in the situation or after being hurt, but you will look back and laugh at yourself for crying about it,and see it was just a lesson after all…’ Christine Matenga

Let me just say I have done a lot of things I am not proud of and half of the time (wasting my precious never to be recovered time, nxaaa) I regretted it and blamed myself for being stupid and all that stuff, but failed to see the other half of the time I also did a lot of great things I am supposed to be grateful for and pat myself at the back. All I am saying is I finally realized that, whatever I did at that time, in fact most of the time was necessary and nobody forced me to do anything it was all me and my sometimes rotten mind (wanted to use the "s" word but the good person in me, is always responsible) which always thinks I’m in control, man sometimes I’m a nut head. All the same the horrible things I did taught me lessons that are now engraved deep down in me and have made me a better person, whatever horrible thing you did, or mistake you are always regretting , come on, is this the life you want to live, of regretting things you already did and waste your precious time, huh? Is that how you want your life to turn out, wasted years. Move on already, come on you tortured yourself enough.
imagine never getting lost and getting there easy, hmm is that fun?
Most of the time we do the most irrational things out of love ( the usual culprit arggh, once or twice i was a casualty of this one), out of instinct or out of necessity, and at that time you will be seeing that as the best decision for that moment, but as time goes on you start thinking otherwise. And why is this so? Sometimes it is because you now know better, or you have seen better and you start questioning your wits. I know you know exactly what I mean, you don’t? You want to pretend you don’t? Alright let me enlighten you  a little… 

You ever met or looked at one of your exes really closely and think, ”oh my goodness, whatever happened to my judgement, was I blind? Oh my word what did I do? What was I thinking?”, you even want to divorce yourself. But one thing though, we all know when we were in the relationship we saw heaven on earth and at that moment that person was the right person for you,or at least that's what you thought. Whatever the circumstances that led you two to separate you know for yourself, but it couldn’t have been so bad sometimes it is because you just outgrow that person and start seeing them as not good for you anymore, in some cases you two just cannot work, sometimes its distance which happens, sometimes its drama, but either way you once loved that person a whole lot but when you see them now you are like what the hell was wrong on me, was I high on something? (yes you were, its called love, after all its blind,#laughs).

My point is, this is exactly the same that happens with some decisions we make in our lives. We do things based on necessity or instinct and we always want to fulfill our desires and reach our aspirations and dreams that we do certain things. The point is to grow, is to achieve whatever we want to, but for us to grow there are certain things we have to do in life, for us to learn there are certain things we have to do. When you were young and your mother told you do not touch the flame of a candle, did you ever stop playing with it, unless you were really, really not curious and just a dumb boy/girl, you listened, or let me speak for myself, I was notorious, just the one thing I was told not to do, I walked right into its face and poked it, I was experimental and so keen to see new things, I would touch the flame with the whole two hands, and guess who got burnt, me. The next time I see a candle lit I would just play far from it. lesson learnt, but did i regret touching the flame,probably not,it just gave me better ideas of playing with it, Christine next time we using a wire hanger or a stick to poke it because your hands have flesh and blood, see, it made me smarter, see?
no regrets , just lessons!!!

 There was always a lesson for me, not to climb trees, not to play with knives, not to play with fire, not to disrespect my mother, and it all came from the dumb decisions I always made before learning that lesson. MORAL OF THE STORY ; for us to be better, to learn , to know better, we should learn from our mistakes, our dumb decisions, our not so wise choices, and take them as that; lame choices turned lessons. There is no point in living with regrets rather take the lessons with you, move on already, do not be the thief of your own time, your own happiness, live your life to learn lessons and never repeat the same mistakes, because if you do then you are nothing but merely stupid, unless if it necessary #laughs, I also have exceptions sometimes but at the end of the day I also am stupid sometimes, l am human after all, #laughs. BE SMART!!!

 #noregrets  #conquer2019 #movingon

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Sorry to judge, I can only imagine what you have gone through...

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