Monday, 11 February 2019

Are you having Suicidal thoughts? Listen, you are not alone!!!

Welcome back, to those who are visiting for the first time hello, it’s your girl Christine who puts a little bit of Chriss in every detail and is here to hang-out with you talking about life and a little bit of everything, the ultimate goal is growth here, so feel free to share your views and if you have any topic about self-development you want to talk about just do your thing in the comment box.

Today’s topic is a serious topic that is more taboo than it is sensitive in an African Society and it makes so mad and sad unfortunately, (I say unfortunately because for people who know me, they know you don’t want to mess with me when I’m mad, I’m like a teenager with raging hormones, full blown madness). We are talking about suicidal thoughts and what causes it, and how the African society takes some of the things as taboos that cannot be seen or heard of , let alone talk about , but it is what can build or destroy our societies. I recently had an experience with the “life is short”, sentiment when someone close to family almost lost their life and it awakened me from the death of silence that the African people’s voice is as far as mental issues are concerned. The voice is a mere whisper, almost a loud silence, and it is high time we spoke about this.
It is never the answer...IT IS IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE!!!

Suicidal thoughts are not “merely evil spirits haunting a person”, it is more than just thoughts, it is psychological, a mixture of depression, not being heard, not having someone to talk to, high vulnerability, anger, hurt, despair, trauma and a whole lot of issues, I repeat it is not just mere evil spirits overtaking a person it is more than just a person being possessed by something it is psychological. Remember your mind is the most powerful tool in your life, it can build at the same time it can destroy; it has complete power over your life a power which we all need to keep in check. It tells you, confidence gives you many things and if it builds in excess ,confidence destroys, if it tells you , you are worthless, it switches up the volume so high up the only option is to end all, you see the power that the mind possesses, its deep.  

Misconceptions in the African societies on mental health have always clouded our minds when we encounter someone experiencing them we label the person as crazy or possessed, and in that case they need to be beaten to retain their sanity, we need to visit this spiritualist or that, but is it really going to address the root cause. It makes me so mad our societies as far as this issue is concerned are still so far back and we need to learn more on the topic. There is a whole lot of education that needs to be given to our societies and begins with you and me. People have issues, I mean we all have issues, but to some they are too much, some cannot handle them by themselves, but most cannot, we need each other, we need therapy, we need to talk, we need to speak freely about issues affecting us, there is more to life than just getting everything you want at your disposal, we are humans we need to feel loved and have a sense of belonging.

I will take this moment to shout out to mothers out there, talk to your children, give them love, give them attention, more than the resources you provide for them, they need those and of course they appreciate those, even if they have a funny way of showing it, they need love, we all need it. Of course there are things that we go through in our lives that are beyond our control, but we can do so much to protect our children, our partners, our sisters, your family and all the other people close to us.  Likewise to everybody keep in check of your loved ones, create time to talk about life in general. If we cannot at least talk lets us show love, kindness, a giving hand, not be violent, sleep well, eat well, be observant, listen and care for each other. Depression is real and when it hits it eats up to the inner-core, I have had episodes myself and all I did was cry and it even made things worse. Nothing is ever too small; lend an ear and a shoulder you never know who needs it. Above all seek for professional help; there are people who are qualified to help with this very sensitive issue, and safe a life!!!

Always remember: “Suicidal thoughts are temporary, but suicide is permanent. Suicidal thoughts are not reality, it is just illness talking, you have every reason to live to see the day you make yourself and your loved ones proud, and you need to be present to enjoy the feeling.”

Life is too short, appreciate the people around you, be grateful, be open, there is more for you in life, and when you fail, it is second chance to give it another shot, taking away your life only creates more problems for the people you love that are left behind. Life is all the answer you need, it has a hundred fold versions of answers to everything, and death is definitely not one of those. Lets speak more on the issue of mental health and acknowledge it is what it is "mental health", and not witchcraft...Help me to help us!!!

#notosuicide #yestolife #yestomorelove #fightthesilence #conquer2019


  1. This message is so important and it should be preached out until everyone knows that suicide is not an option at all. Many times we all pretend that all is well when deep down we are so wounded and dying and we don't reach out for help bcz maybe we have been laughed at before or or we don't want to give people something to talk about in the streets or on social media but the truth is when going through such difficulties we need someone to talk to (professionals to be precise). We also need to stop the habit of telling our loved ones who are crying out for help to suck it up bcz that's how growing up is or that's how marriage is or men don't cry... It makes one feel worthless and they are not strong enough to endure whatever they are going through...

  2. thank you very much Leesa well said, i feel that our societies have embraced without a fight this thing of saying for you to be seen as strong you must endure the pain, but is this building us or its destroying our future, we need to talk more about these issues and kill the silence, thank you for sharing your valid view


Sorry to judge, I can only imagine what you have gone through...

                To you whose life I broke through my words...                                                 ðŸ’”💔💔 I am sitting here t...