Monday, 7 January 2019

Jar of happiness

💋“Hello Monday…you know I used to hate you so much. I hated the confrontations you always came with to me every week. The drag of the long busy week full of uncertainties was always introduced to me by you. I had no idea why you always came first, why you did not give Friday a chance to start the week just for once in a year. I always wished every day of the week was Friday, when I looked forward to resting, to fun and relaxing. It never happened because you always crowded the space. Guess what dear Monday, I finally confronted my fears and doubts about you , and oh I finally see the world differently now, It is not what I look at that matters to me anymore, but It is what I see that does, which means I am no longer just looking at you as this beast that only started hell for me. I see new beginnings, I see new opportunities, I see second chances and I see life… Let’s dance together as I celebrate another chance you have provided for me to start all over again, and do better this week, to write down the old goals and achieve them this week, to set foundation for next week, the next month and the whole year, you have taught me to appreciate yesterday and the mistakes I have done before to be corrected… please come again more often, yours faithfully Chriss”

The above letter is addressed to dear Monday, which is not really Monday as a date but anything really that appears as hindrance to you in your life. To see that as the stepping stone for new beginnings and second chances always provided to us. Many times we often focus on the negatives that have been created by our societies or the false perspectives we have created in our lives that if you deeply look at are actually not really real, for me it was Mondays. Often times we fail to recognise the second chances we have been gifted with by God for others by the universe, focusing on the bad our imaginations have created over time which drags us back rather than focusing on the good life has blessed us with.

This is an acknowledgement for growth and happiness to keep staying with us, and for some to be introduced in our lives. It is good to try to see the world differently, to focus on the little good things that we have in life. To focus more on being grateful and planting the seed of happiness through being grateful for the little we have, to always looking forward to a new day and new beginnings. To focus on the beginning of a new space to realign our goals with the goals we have set for ourselves the previous weeks and see them happening. I told myself to always look forward to Monday as a second chance to give me a new hit to life and my goals; you can try it in some aspects of your life too. Every day is a new gift to doing things differently because there is someone who just failed to wake up this morning, but you are here alive and wasting your life. Always remember we can have all other things, waste them and get new ones but time wasted is never recovered. Take everyday as a new dawn for you....

Always remember that, all the things you have right now and are taking for granted, you used to pray for day and night. Use today to reflect and give yourself a new start and do things right. My friend recently gave me a really helpful idea I thought I should also share with everyone else out here because I found it so useful to my self-fulfillment journey. Get yourself a little cute jar that you can DIY, and give it a name. I call mine “LITTLE JAR OF HAPPINESS” where I put little notes I have written about every little thing that has made me happy every other day of the week. I also use every Monday as my Affirmation Day for every little thing I want to see manifest that very week. So Mondays are my best friend now. Record your happiness whenever you can and at the end of the year open that jar of happiness and experience for yourself how happy your life is. Quit complaining, Speak positive in your life, see beauty where others see only “ruins” and always give yourself a second chance to doing it again, just differently and right this time.
Have a beautiful fulfilling week!!!💋💋💋



Sorry to judge, I can only imagine what you have gone through...

                To you whose life I broke through my words...                                                 ðŸ’”💔💔 I am sitting here t...