Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Social Media: The Toilet of the internet

A whole lot of a month away

Oh my people, it feels strange to resume posting here after a whole lot of a month away, when I left you starving of the regular posts but i might need to stress out that this was a worthy break off Social Media for a sister's breather , mental health, growth and a whole lot of other good stuff. I didn't necessarily miss writing cause that never has to stop even when I am away from here or any other place it keeps me going, though  I must mention I missed being here, and I finally am back. I hope you missed me too, ya'll know we need to be needed 😉.

I learnt a thing or two whilst I was away from Social Media, first and for most the shocking and rather thought provoking statement that I read somewhere " Social Media has over the years grown to be the Toilet of the Internet,  in essence it is the actual toilet of the Internet" , I found this interesting. We all know what goes down in the toilet  don't we? Do I need to talk about it as is, cause if you dare me, it's my pleasure to remind you, cause that's exactly what I'm excellent at " reminding y'all about everything, lol. I could do that but anyway, I choose to do that another day when I really am in the mood. The first lesson is, Social Media is not at all bad, just like the toilet , it keeps us going, but in that goodness now there is a whole lot of stinky bad that we always remember it for. This is the part I want to talk about today, considering I was away from it, and inevitably like other people I have fallen victim in the addiction it brings with it, and the loud voices it has which led me to the decision of taking a break from it. 

Since January, when I opened this blog,I was focused on promoting this my new baby so that it reaches the targeted audience and whilst at it, I began to use Instagram and Facebook more than I ever did before. Of course I loved it because it connected me to the rest of the world and people that are like minded, with a love for self- development, a drive for growth and positive development and that made me so happy. Slowly but surely I began to spend more time on Instagram and Facebook and before I knew it I was killing time on social media more than I had to.  The notifications, the likes , the conversations and everything surrounding Instagram began to swallow me slowly and as much as I preach about fighting comparison, that's exactly where I ended up going.

I started feeling like a fraud, who talks about fighting something coming out alive whilst doing the exact opposite, I started doubting myself and all the values I had always kept for myself. For sure, it is difficult to be yourself in a world that is constantly clouding you with ideas of who you should be, what life should be, how you should dress, eat , walk and live your life. This ish is real y'all and I can fully relate every now and then, ( well I wasn't expecting this to go this way, but well why not, we will take it where my heart really tells it to, I feel vulnerable but what are we doing when we are talking about life as is , and filter some parts, let's do this).

As the months went by I started feeling like I was doing a whole lot of things so that I could just post, the reading challenge, the water therapy, the exploring, part of the travels and visits to new places , you name it. I started hating all these because they started feeling like a job, like something I was just doing for Instagram, well precisely so because I stopped living for the moment and drifted towards doing it for the likes and always looking for a picture perfect pose, or taking pictures or notes when i should be enjoying the moment, and before I knew it, it started getting out of control. I reached to a point where I told myself this right here has to stop right away, let's nip it in the bud, and I just did it abruptly like that, stopped everything. ( Which I later on learnt I didn't necessarily had to shock myself like that, but at that moment i felt the need, i panicked and felt that it was a necessary evil).

Living like the rest of the world is exhausting,keeping up appearances is exhausting, perfection is exhausting, keeping up as it is is exhausting, routine is, comparison is, all of it is. I was reminded of this saying t:
        " To live in the moment is the only way we can appreciate life to the fullest and be touched by the wonder of each moment" UNKNOWN

I needed this awakening because it is easy to get swallowed especially when you work in the streets of the internet, where you are competing with the rest of the world for attention, to be heard, to be read and to be seen. It is a hustle, but a hustle not worth losing yourself for if your mental health is gold to you. Take it easy, take slower steps, you will do just fine. Biggest Lesson this year. So instead of using the toilet to drop doodles only and use it only for that, let's all make it a pleasant room for everybody else but first for ourselves, let's all use social media with reservations, and don't lose ourselves whilst at it.

It is always to our advantages to regulate our screen time especially for Instagram which has these appealing features, re-directions, one sided-stories and the perfect angles, be aware, stay woke and breathe, take a break, don't lose yourself and thrive through, you always have the control, stay with it. You ever felt some type of way that is just not so good after scrolling down all those appealing pages, a feeling of guilt, comparison, a bit of anger , envy, a bit of sadness, its just some type of a not so good feeling, yeah that feeling,  I felt it at some point and that scared the heck out of my space, it's not a good feeling, a feeling I do not want to feel ever again, please let me know if you've felt like this before. 

I took this with me, we are all humans, and no one is immune to the disadvantages of social media because we thrive on other people's energies because we are made to live as communities and we all need to belong and shine through, whilst at it show off our best sides. It's key to remember that it is almost impossible to be a master of your own thoughts, beliefs and values when we are constantly hit by information that regulates our minds. Everywhere and every time we see, watch, read about routines that are meant to make our lives better, make us more successful, progressive, beautiful, consistent , e.t.c but we are all different, and are made in different ways, do not forget yourself or leave yourself behind, maintain your truth. It is very hard, I know, but just like I did take breaks, reboot, get back into your world and press reset, it is well needed.

One last thing , when you take time to detoxify all the learned behaviors, the information, the displayed best versions of other people's lives and the likes, and stop filming and taking pictures of everything, and just start being in the moment for once, it will equally become addictive to you, you will not feel guilty for not sharing anything and everything because at the end of the day, it is all about you. It is fulfilling to live in the moment knowing fully well that the experience will never be forgotten and forever be part of your life. Live for now, it is your life to live. It is awesome to share, but don't do it at the expense of your sanity. Your Mental Health comes first. 

 #growthmindset #socialmediadetox #yourmentalhealthfirst

Sorry to judge, I can only imagine what you have gone through...

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